Thursday, March 29, 2012

Visual Puns




Jumping off of the page

i made the lion come off the backround by offseting it.
i used blending modes to make the shadow.

Macro Images Sharpened

the macro thing on your camra alows you to take clear pictures.
sharpening animage makes the edge more diffinded.

Downtown Mall Picture Hunt

tops are the origenoles.

i used the clown tool change the picture.

Shooting assignment Rule of Thirds

this is the back of a chare. 
these are two dog bones at a few feet away.

this is a dog bone from a foot away.

these are the same dog bones from a foot and a half away.

this is my rug.

these are fske flowers.

this is a fan from above.

this is a fan.

these are chafing pans use to serve food.

this is a small bambo plant.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tools Review

I took a picture of me and changed my face and gave myself football eyes.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


using paint brushes i made the first bit.
then i copy pasted it to be the full size.

 this image started as a stapler.

this is my dog Peat he died on March 2, 2012.
R.I.P bud.

Pop Art

I used that burn tool to make lines more prominent.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

change my look

this is Dena. using layer mask i changed he shirt.
 i gave her this backround, the puppy, and the banddana.
i also changed her hair color.

i gave my self a rain bow backround then inversed it. i changed the logo on my shirt, i also us layer mask to hide a gray backround for the trident. as well i changed my eye and hair color.


this is hugh jakeman. color balince i changed his eye and hair color.


ms. meade gave us several pictures and told us how to make this.

Layer Mask

i used the layer mask tool to hide and show parts of each thing in the picture.

Landscape Selections

i us the marquee and lasso tools to cut out these shape from a bakeround.

magic wand

i copied each shape and used them to make a man.