Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Break Documentary - Scrapbook

Over the winter break I my family went for walks on the beach and saw a pretty site.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Painting with Light

I used a laser pointer to draw these patterns.

I made the shutter stay open for a long time and swung a glow stick around. and cuss it is so dark you can't see me.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12. What I am Thankful for

I am thankful for the beach. The reason being because it's awesome and that the beach is like a gate way between two vast kingdoms, the sea and land.

11. Fill the Frame

These three photos fill the frame by having the mane idea take you most of the photo. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

color challenge

our assignment was to pick a color the take pictures of it. I chose red.

Picture Worth 1000 Words

the word i used to make this were Ryan, Rothenberg, R.J.R, scouting, survival, friendly, hungry, tall, sharp, and caring.

Replicate Uelsmann

Jerry Uelsmann  is a master of dark room photograph.
he takes images and layers them without knowing what the final product will be.

this is my imitation of Uelsmann's  work.